Youth Mental Health: What are we missing?

Mental health is no longer the hush-hush topic it used to be. We've come a long way in recognizing the importance of mental well-being. But it's high time we shine a light on an often-overlooked segment: youth mental health. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the mental health of our youth is a growing concern. With the pressures of academic performance, social interactions, and an increasingly digital lifestyle, young people face unique challenges that can take a toll on their mental well-being. Let's explore some of the key aspects that often go overlooked, what's missing in the conversation and how we can step up our game 1) Detection: The first step in finding problems related to mental health is detection. The earlier the detection, the easier the recovery. Many young people hesitate to seek help because they fear being labelled as "weak" or "abnormal." Early intervention is the missing piece of the puzzle. Schools, parents, and communities should work together to spot signs of distress early on. It's like fixing a leaky faucet before it floods the entire house. So look for signs like change in personality, excessive sleeping, isolation from others, agitation, prolonged feelings of sadness or anxiety etc. 2) Understanding ≠ Action: We're all pretty good at saying, "We understand." But do we really? The youth today are navigating a complex world filled with unique challenges. Social media pressures, academic stress, and the good old quest for identity - all play a part in shaping their mental health. So, it's crucial to step up our empathy game. Instead of just nodding, maybe try actively listening and supporting them in their struggles. 3) The Pressure Cooker Effect Imagine being a teenager in today's world. The pressure is real! They're expected to excel in academics, extracurriculars and have a booming social life. It's like they're in a pressure cooker with no release valve. What's missing is an honest conversation about the insane expectations we've placed on our youth. Let's cut them some slack and let them breathe a little. 4) The Ever Prevailing Stigma Despite progress, the stigma around mental health is very much alive. Youth are often hesitant to open up about their struggles due to fear of judgment. We need to create safe spaces where they can talk without being labelled. Since everyone is online nowadays, maybe we could start online communities where the youth can open up about their struggles; even anonymously if needed, to encourage openness and acceptance. Because as Demi Lovato and Marshmello famously said, ‘It's okay not to be okay.’ 5) More than Academics The age-old Indian education system is often solely focused on academics. It's all about grades and exams. What's missing is a broader approach. We need to nurture not just their brains but their hearts as well. Teaching them emotional intelligence, stress management, and coping skills could go a long way in safeguarding their mental health. 6) Digital Age and Social Pressures The digital age has brought about new challenges for youth mental health. The constant exposure to social media, cyberbullying, and unrealistic beauty standards can exacerbate anxiety and depression in young people. We must acknowledge the impact of digital media on youth mental health and encourage responsible online behaviour. Balancing screen time and in-person interactions is essential for a healthy mental state. 7) Family Dynamics Family plays a vital role in a young person's development which consequently affects their mental health too. Dysfunctional family dynamics, neglect, or abuse can be detrimental to a child's emotional well-being. It is essential for parents and caregivers to be aware of their impact on their children's mental health and seek help when needed. Encouraging open communication and a supportive family environment can make a significant difference. 8) Peer Support We often overlook the power of peer support. Youth can connect with each other in ways adults can't. Encouraging peer support groups in schools and communities can be a game-changer. Since people of the same age group can understand what their fellow friends are going through better than ‘experienced adults’, peers can play a very big role in overcoming mental distress. 9) Diversity and Inclusion Let's not forget that the mental health conversation should include everyone. Different communities and backgrounds have unique challenges. We need a more inclusive approach that considers the diverse needs of our youth. 10) Access to Mental Health Services We’ve detected the issue, shown our support and made them realise they’re not alone. We’ve done everything we could on our part. But is that all they need? A little attention and validation? Of course not! Efforts should be made to expand access to affordable mental health services, both in schools and within communities, to ensure that no young person is left without the support they require. Access to mental health services is a critical factor in addressing youth mental health issues. Unfortunately, many young people face barriers in accessing the care they need. There is a shortage of mental health professionals, and in some areas, the cost of therapy and treatment can be prohibitive. India has many NGOs working towards making mental health resources accessible to everyone. Visit to check out the list of NGOs and their contact details for the same. Reach out to the one you resonate with the most or send it over to someone you know who needs it and spread the love. We at Atha also primarily give utmost importance to youth mental health and as a result Project Youth was created in 2020. Project youth is an initiative of Atha Psychotherapy where online psychotherapy sessions are held for the youth between ages 18-28 based on REBT (Rational emotive behavior therapy) approach. These therapy sessions are also extremely affordable and are priced at ₹500 per session. Ms. Anuja, Ms. Shreya and Ms. Asira are a few doctors you can expect to help you with your journey. Book your appointment now at My mental health journey started in 2020 which was when I got acquainted with Asira. And thankfully we were able to detect issues before they aggravated and became difficult to deal with. One can learn a lot of things from therapy. My personal favourite is ‘You are not your actions. Mistakes are a part of you, they don’t define you.’ And ever since, this has become my mantra in life; and rightfully so. Youth mental health isn't something we can afford to keep overlooking. The missing pieces in this puzzle are empathy, realistic expectations, stigma-free zones, early intervention, holistic education, inclusivity, accessible services, and peer support. By addressing what we are missing and implementing practical solutions, we can help our young people thrive in an increasingly demanding world while promoting their mental well-being. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the future generation enjoys the best possible mental health. Let's start these conversations, open our hearts, and make sure our youth grow up mentally healthy and strong. It's time to bridge the gap and build a society that truly cares about the mental health of its young members. Together, we can make a difference.

Posted 10 months ago