Emotional Wellness: An everyday priority


Emotional wellness is one of the most important ingredients to live a happy and fulfilled life, yet most often, stressors in life take up a huge part of our minds and we tend to push our emotional well being aside. Most of the time I have noticed that I do this a lot, whenever exams or assignments are around the corner, I tend to ignore my emotional wellbeing completely and it starts taking a toll on my mental health. 

Emotional wellness is defined by our ability to handle emotions and different types of experiences that are thrown at us during the course of our life. It can be defined as awareness, understanding and acceptance of our feelings and our ability to manage them effectively through challenges and change. 

When we start attending to our emotional wellbeing, it can be a very rewarding journey. 


  • Relationships: When we talk to people and have interactions with people, we are bound to have disagreements with them and it is important to deal with these disagreements in a calm and composed manner while keeping in mind our emotions as well as the emotions of others. If we are unable to deal with our emotions well, it will impact our relationships both personal and professional.
  • Career: Our career is an essential part of our life and especially if you are at the stage of choosing your career it is very important to know how you are feeling and what you want.
  • Mental health: Emotional health is directly proportional to mental health, the way we manage our emotions affects our mental health. It is also true that the more we learn to deal with and improve our mental health, it helps us to manage our emotions more effectively.
  • Physical effects: Low emotional wellness has many negative effects on our body, having an unhealthy negative emotional state means living in a stressful state of mind.

Stress causes low immunity and opens the door for illnesses that your body finds difficult to cope with. 

Living in a long-term stressful state can also influence blood pressure problems like high blood pressure and hypertension. 


  • People who are emotionally healthy are very self-aware, they perceive themselves very well and have control over their emotions and they also have a clear view and understanding of how their behaviour comes across to others.
  • They have what is called emotional agility, they have the ability to deal with stressors and discomforting situations and setbacks in life.
  • They manage their stress healthily by employing effective coping mechanisms which will help them to adapt and thrive.


  1. Self-compassion: All of us tend to treat others much better than we treat ourselves, we need to treat ourselves how we treat everyone else. Give yourself rest, space to feel what you’re feeling, learn to love and accept yourself unconditionally.
  2. Realistic goal setting: We always tend to set high goals and in order to achieve these goals we push ourselves beyond our limits and thus we need to learn how to set realistic and achievable goals.
  3. Relaxation: Whenever we feel emotionally drained or tired, we can try to relax with soothing music which will help us to calm down from within.
  4. Mindfulness: It is all about being in the moment and enjoying the moment instead of stressing about what will happen tomorrow.
  5. Living a balanced life: It is very important to live a balanced life, we tend to overwork to such an extent that we have no time for ourselves and we even get into an unhealthy sleep routine which ends up affecting our overall well being. Balance is key to wellbeing.

Emotional and mental health are the most crucial parts of living a healthy life and we should take care of our emotional well being just like we take care of our physical well being and we need to learn that even though our priorities change daily, in terms of what we pay more attention to, our emotional well being always needs to be our priority, daily, no matter how many deadlines we need to complete and how much backlog we have. 

Your emotional health is your responsibility and an everyday priority.


Posted 2 years ago